Warranty Registration

Thank you for purchasing our product. Please fill up the form below for on-line registration.
This Warranty is valid only if the card is duly completed and emailed to us within 14 days of original purchase.
Please retain purchase receipt as proof of purchase. NOTE: '*' are compulsory fields.
Product Information
*Brand :
*Model : *Serial No. :
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.
*Date of Purchase :    
*Warranty Application No. :
(Eg. 1234)
*Vehicle Number :
Installer's Information
*Dealer's Name :
Your Information
*Name (As in NRIC):  
*Address :
*Postal Code :
*Contact No. :
*E-mail :
Upon submission of this form, you have agreed to the terms and conditions of the warranty.
All your personal information will be kept confidential. E-mail is for communication purposes
only eg repair status, collection of item sent for repairs, etc. Hence your e-mail address must
be valid.